Monday, July 30, 2018

Another 2 Years Gone By

Nearly 2 years since I've made my presence known. Doing everything I can to stay hidden, and so far, it's seemed to work. But whispers on the wind, signs appearing everywhere, has forced me to reveal myself again.

Brown and I have had no contact with anybody else, outside of other SIA members. He has shown excellent skill in his research and organization. He has been able to coordinate multiple other agents in raids to save fighters and runners, both from the FBI and The Threat. Several have become new agents, willing to be trained in all we know.

There have been a few glimmers of hope. There have been updates on blogs from former fighters and runners from my time over these past few years. The first is Ava. She developed an interesting relationship with Zeke, Celie, and a few others during that period. Unfortunately, I was unable to form a connection with her, as only certain people are allowed to view her blog now.

However, the biggest glimmer of hope comes from a source I never thought.


He is somehow still alive, after everything. For those that do follow me, for my fellow agents, if you aren't fully updated on his story, please read his blogs.

And with him having survived everything, it encourages me to believe one more things.

It gives me hope that somehow, somewhere, Kay has survived too.

Zero, I don't know if you will read this or not, but please, if you do, tell me you have some sort of update on her.