Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Clue, But Confusing To Me

I decided to log onto youtube today, to see if maybe I could access any of my videos or my subscriptions. I was hoping that maybe I could view something that would give me any insight to my own missing memories of my youtube channel or blog. I couldn't view any of my own videos still, and for the most part, I couldn't view any other videos of my subscriptions.

Except for one...

It was hard for me to see and understand what was going on, due to a lot of distortion in the video, and the man's voice seemed both soft and gravelly. So I was unable to get an idea of what this video was about. One thing, however, scared me really badly: the ending of the video. Through all of the distortion, I saw something that appeared to be tentacles slowly appearing from the side of the screen, reaching in until they grabbed the man. When I watched that, I suddenly got a massive headache and fell to the floor of my room, clutching my head. At the same time, I felt this strange burning sensation in one of my wrists and began grabbing that as well.

From reading the description, I gathered his name was Ezekiel Strahm. He was apparently some important figure, for he had two blogs that he wrote in. However, when I clicked on the links, I once again got the black screen that I get when trying to read any other blogs. However, I noticed something when I logged into my own account here on blogger: I'm already subscribed to his two blogs.

Why am I subscribed to his blogs, and why, of all the channels I'm subscribed to on youtube, that video was the only one I could see?